




This post details the implementation of a VGG-16 neural network for CIFAR-10 image classification in TensorFlow. It highlights the use of gradient clipping to improve convergence speed. Key aspects include network layer structure with regularization and normalization techniques, loss computation, and optimization via Adam. The script covers data loading, model creation, training with performance logging, and testing with accuracy measurement.


本文介绍了一个使用 TensorFlow 和 Keras 进行图片分类的神经网络模型构建、训练、评估、使用及保存的完整流程。流程包括准备包含5000张训练图片与1000张测试图片的数据集,定义一个由卷积层、池化层、Dropout层和全连接层组成的模型,以及使用callbacks在训练过程中实现TensorBoard的可视化。最终,模型在测试数据集上评估准确率达到100%,并展示了如何保存和加载模型。

TensorFlow -图像分类

This code imports the necessary libraries for TensorFlow and Keras, loads the Fashion MNIST dataset, and creates a neural network model to classify clothing images. The model, consisting of a Flatten layer and two Dense layers, is compiled and trained for five epochs. It evaluates test images and prints predictions. Additionally, it visualizes the results, showing images with their predicted labels, correct predictions in blue and incorrect in red. Finally, it demonstrates predicting a single image.

python-pyecharts 数据可视化学习 (数据来源:丁香园)

This post details the creation of COVID-19 visualization tools using Python, including nation-wide and Hubei province-specific infection maps, and a growth trend chart. Data is scraped from DXY, an online health community, and visualizations are generated using pyecharts with JSON data. The code snippets illustrate scraping methods, JSON file handling, and chart customization techniques for clearly representing the epidemic’s data.

